A collection of pathogenic bacteria for medical or veterinary applications and research

Direct access to CIRM-BP catalog

The CIRM-BP is dedicated to the conservation and distribution of bacterial strains pathogenic* to animals or humans as well as to the distribution of their genomic DNA. The strains hosted by the CIRM-BP come from INRAE collections, from targeted sampling projects or from collaborations with academic or private partners.

The CIRM-BP also aims to exploit the biodiversity and particularities of these pathogens in collaboration with research teams.


Located at the INRAE Val de Loire Research Center within the joint research unit Infectiology and Public Health (UMR ISP 1282) which associates INRAE and the University of Tours, the CIRM-BP has facilities for managing collections of risk class 2 and 3 pathogenic bacteria in compliance with current safety regulations. It benefits from a scientific environment rich in expertise in the fields of knowledge of pathogens such as Brucella, Escherichia coli, Mycobacterium, Salmonella, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus and the mechanisms of infections and their control. The CIRM-BP also collaborates with the nearby Plate-Forme d'Infectiologie Expérimentale (PFIE). The latter is the largest experimental facility in France in infectiology. It offers possibilities of experimentation in confined systems (A2 and A3) on most of the livestock or laboratory animals.

* Access to pathogenic microorganisms is restricted to laboratories that can guarantee that the appropriate biosafety and biosecurity measures for the ordered strains are in place in their facilities.

In this folder

Lecturer, Collections Management

Research Technician. Manager of the level 2 laboratory. Process Pilot: "Acquisition, Authentication and Conservation of pathogenic bacterial strains" and "Management of networks and computer equipment".

Research technician / Co-responsible for 2 level 2 and 3 laboratories / Pilot of the "management of material resources and infrastructures" process / Prevention assistant of the UMR ISP