

In this section you will find information on the distribution and deposit of strains as well as the advanced services offered by CIRM. 

Some examples of services offered by the CIRM BRCs:

  • Access to microbiological resources perfectly characterized taxonomically and compliant with ABS
  • Genetic characterisation and metabolic properties of plant-associated microbiota and optimization of their conservation method at CIRM-CFBP
  • Access to a platform for screening enzymatic activities (chitinase, b-glucanase, etc.) for microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, yeasts) to evaluate their potential as biological control agents for pests and plant infectious diseases. One installation at CIRM-CF
  •  Access to a platform for screening the metabolic and enzymatic properties of bacterial strains of interest to the food industry to optimise the nutritional qualities and food safety of plant matrix-based foods at CIRM-BIA
  • Taxonomic positioning, phylogenomic, and population genetic of yeast strain sets for agri-food use at CIRM-levures
  • Screening of antimicrobial potential against plant pathogens (bacteria, fungi) by synthesis of antimicrobial agents at CIRM-BP